All posts by mhindson2000

Recent CD releases containing my music

Flash – Claire Edwardes (marimba)
Sydney-based percussionist Claire Edwardes has put together an intriguing collection of marimba miniatures on this disc, ranging from transcriptions of Bach chorales, lute suites and various short piano works through to newly composed works for this disc. The playing is excellent. The opening Bach track showcases the beauty of the marimba in such an intriguing way. Claire definitively performs my piece Flash with precision, verge and vigour.

North-South-East-West – Marcel Luxen (Clarinet)

Singapore-based clarinettist Marcel Luxen is an excellent performer, and on this disc he is performing Nintendo Music. Nintendo Music certainly depends on having a top class player, and Marcel certainly doesn’t disappoint. One would think that he’s been playing the Nintendo Entertainment System all his life!

Here is a Youtube clip of Marcel playing Nintendo Music.

The Metallic Violins – James Cuddeford and Natsuoko Yoshimoto
Tall Poppies disc image

This disc, also released on Tall Poppies, continues to garner extremely good reviews. And with good reason – the playing from the two violinists is simply awesome. Anyone interested in violin repertoire would love this disc. There isn’t one dud piece or note on there.
James and Natsuoko perform my piece The Metallic Violins within an inch of its life. Here is an audio excerpt:

“Faster, Higher, Stronger” for Birmingham Royal Ballet, 2012

The next piece I am currently working on is a work entitled Faster, Higher, Stronger with choreographer David Bintley, for the Birmingham Royal Ballet.

It is a piece concerned with athleticism, competition, pain, endurance and triumph against the odds.

Faster, Higher, Stronger will be the middle part of a triple bill (Summer Celebration) to be premiered in late June, 2012. This follows on from our last collaboration, the award-winning e=mc2, which was performed in 2009 to rave reviews around the UK (e.g. “A dance masterpiece” and “One of the best new dance scores this side of Stravinsky.”)

Piano reduction “House Music” (flute concerto) now available

The piano reduction of my flute concerto, House Music, has recently been completed and is available as a special purchase through Faber Music.

Please see this page for more information on House Music. Unfortunately there is no recording currently available of this work.

Piano reductions of the Percussion Concerto and In Memoriam: Concerto for Amplified Cello and Orchestra will be forthcoming. The piano reduction of the Violin Concerto is for sale through Faber Music.