for solo bassett clarinet
duration: 10 minutes
Programme Notes
Disbelief, denial, anger, depression, resignation: these are just some of the emotions typically involved in the grieving process for a loved one.
Funeral Windows takes as its starting point the cold, perennial stained glass windows featured in a venue where a funeral typically takes place. Everything beyond the space delineated by these objects seems pointless, banal and irrelevant in comparison with the overwhelming emotions found within. Funeral Windows is an often stark composition that does not always present an optimistic view on the future – a future awaiting all of us, attending funerals as an observer or as the reason for the ceremony itself.
notes by Matthew Hindson.
CD Recording Available?
Not at present.
Other Information
Commissioned by Ars Musica Australis for premiere by David Rowden of the Sydney Omega Ensemble.